Thursday, April 26, 2007


Dear Father,

Please again, be both my all, my Shepherd, and my Lord. Help me to serve Thee, and Thine, and to win souls. I give myself to Thee, please bring fruit to bear on my branch.


Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Dear Father God,

Today I must follow Thy Son, it is without any doubt my calling, and should be my zealous joy. I confess that the days are yet filled with peril, and especially with distractions and pleasures in my wealthy country. Mercifully do please expose my apathy and even my hypocrisy regarding Thy will.

Lord, Thou dost cause all things to work together for good for Thy children. Even so I ask that Thee today to cause many, many things to work together for good, for salvation for the countless unbelievers, including those near to me.

I especially remember my friend C____, and all those who live in lands not of their earthly birthplaces. Help them to see that we are all journeying toward new and everlasting destinations, and that we have a choice to make regarding Thee. Give them powerful proof of Thy omnipresence and agape love for all Thou hast made.

Lord, please continue to send out the gospel, and to equip the preachers, and teachers, and prophets, and all who will faithfully and holily give Thy Word, the true Bread of Life of the lives of the unsaved of our earth. Correct all Thy servants who may stray from Thy will.

I pray for those who suffer, and suffer greatly, wars, violence, disease, injury and famine. Miraculously take away any bitterness and even their afflictions. Help them to cry out to you for relief.

Lord Jesus Christ, Thou hast proclaimed a day when no man shall be able to work. Please Lord, may it not be found in this time to be so.


Monday, April 23, 2007


Dear Father God,

When I realize the gap between my desire to obey Thee and the actual obeying, I shudder. I admit I fear the cost to great. This is not good. I do want to go on to succeed for Thee, to please Thee now and for all eternity. Lord, please do be my Shepherd that I shall not want, but have Thy everlasting blessing.

I pray now for N____ and C____, that they also find favor and be brought under Thy wing, and into Thy eternal blessed presence, and this T. S. and all his family, and all the S_____ and B______ family members.

Lord Jesus, for your church, especially for that which lives, but is near death, let your gentle voice be heard and heeded as you call for repentance and holiness from all your people.

May the world of men know that Thou art the LORD of heaven and earth unto Whom all power is given. May the rulers of this earth be humbled to both do good, and punish evil doers. May your enemies be brought to humiliation and then to love and faith in Thee.

I need to know more of Thy specific desire for what I shall do, for the deeds Thou hast planned for my life. Please bring me to fulleness of love for Thee, obedience to Thee, Thy Word, and Thy will. Amen